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general enquiries
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For enquiries relating to membership – commercial, association and supporter:
For enquiries relating to standards and development:
For enquiries relating to audit results and re-certification:
For enquiries relating to becoming an RJC auditor:
For enquiries relating media, events and branding:
For enquiries relating to complaints:
Take a look at our FAQ page, where you can find the answers to the questions we’re most commonly asked.
Responsible Jewellery Council
Office 3, 3rd Floor, Hind House, 2-3 Hind Court, London, EC4A3DL, United Kingdom.
+44 207 321 0992
file a complaint
How to make a complaint?
Our reputation is crucial if we are to achieve our vision of a responsible worldwide supply chain that promotes trust in the jewellery and watch industry.
When you raise a complaint against a potential non-conformance it helps us protect the integrity of our certification. RJC certification is highly regarded recognition of a member company’s commitment to sustainable business practices and responsible jewellery.
RJC Certified Members make a commitment to observe responsible business practices in line with the RJC Code of Practices – where they do not we will investigate. To ensure the fair, timely and objective resolution of complaints we use a defined complaints mechanism. The RJC Complaints Mechanism provides clear guidance on how to make a complaint relating to potential non-conformance with the RJC certification programs. Therefore, before making your complaint please familiarise yourself with the process.
How to raise a complaint relating to potential non-conformance with RJC certification programs.
We take non-conformance seriously. If you feel an RJC Certified Member is not complying with the Code of Practices, you have the right to complain. We treat all valid complaints fairly and as quickly as possible. To help us do this, we ask that you use our official Complaints Mechanism.
To make a complaint:
- Familiarise yourself with the process (download the RJC Complaints Mechanism document)
- Check the eligibility and suitability criteria (refer to Section A of the document)
- Prepare and submit your complaint (refer to Section B of the document)
We’re here to help:
If you have any questions or need any support in preparing and submitting your complaint, please contact us.
+44 20 7321 0992 ext 211
How to raise a complaint relating to potential non-conformance with RJC certification programs.
The RJC receives complaints from consumers who wish to raise awareness of quality issues with a product they have purchased. Whilst in most cases these issues would not come under the scope of the RJC complaints mechanism for investigation, we will help in any way we can to secure consumer confidence in the watch and jewellery industry.
In the first instance consumers should contact the company they purchased the jewellery from directly. However, consumers may also wish to seek advice from citizens advice or trading standards initiative based in their local country or another membership initiative for the jewellery industry. Below are some useful contacts:
- Jewellers Vigilance Committee alternative dispute resolution service
- Better Business Bureau (US and Canada)
- Federal Trade Commission complaint assistance
- Trading Standards (UK)
- National Association of Jewellers (if your complaint is against one of their members)
self help desk
Quick links to help support you with any questions you may have
RJC members shape the future of the industry through collective action.
RJC standards shift sustainability to a major driving force of change.
Our assurance system builds trust in our sustainability standards.