The RJC was founded on partnerships and partnerships remain at the heart of every single thing we do to this day.
Partnerships are critical to the growth of the RJC. Ever since our inception in 2005, we have striven to maintain an open, continuous and transparent dialogue between our members and wider network of stakeholders.
We actively participate in conversations throughout the industry, using our associations to engage with policy makers and cultivate better understandings of the issues facing our industry. These associations provide the RJC with an important platform to contribute to broader, industry-wide action on sustainable development.
We are guided by three key complimentary principles: materiality, Members First and a multi-stakeholder approach. Our priorities are determining what matters most to our members, understanding their needs and behaviours and maintaining a dialogue throughout.
We are very proud of the partnerships we’ve established already and look forward to making many more in the years to come.
Map of global partnerships and stakeholders
Stakeholder relations are critical for the growth of our organisation, and we strive to maintain an open, continuous, and transparent dialogue with our members and our wider network of stakeholders.
The RJC is an active participant in various industry associations through which we engage with policy makers to contribute to a better understanding of industry-related challenges. These associations are also important platforms for the RJC to contribute to broader, industry-wide action on sustainable development.
Jeweler Support Network
The Natural Diamond Council joined forces with the Responsible Jewellery Council and many jewellery organisations to form the Jeweler Support Network in the United States and in the United Kingdom to provide assistance to local jewellery stores and retailers, many of which are family-owned for generations and who are particularly vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Network will work to provide support and resources to local jewelers, as well as information for consumers.
The Plumb Club
Founded in 1983 by a small group of distinguished manufacturers as a social club, The Plumb Club has evolved into one of the jewellery industry’s leading supplier organisations. Today, The Plumb Club is a unique coalition of leading, responsible and important suppliers spanning all facets of the jewellery, diamond and watch industries. The purpose of the organisation is to connect its members and their customers and help shape the future of the jewellery industry. The Plumb Club’s membership accounts for a significant percentage of the domestic fine jewellery market.
In September 2019, the Plumb Club became the first trade association to require its members to follow the RJC Code of Practices. This decision was reached after Plumb Club members overwhelmingly voted for all new and existing Club members to join the Responsible Jewellery Council.
The RJC and the Plumb Club are looking at other partnerships going forward that will continue to propel members and retailers towards greater responsibility in their businesses and throughout their supply chains. This includes activities that will build trust and confidence with consumers and how to support the global agenda of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals, amongst much else.
United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact, is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Their mission is to transform the world through business.
As a non-binding United Nations pact, the Global Compact is a call to companies to voluntarily align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.
In 2019, RJC launched the first of its kind partnership with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Together, we are working to bring more companies in our sector along the journey to contribute to the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. Education is mission critical in achieving this, and we are committed to collaborating with the UNGC, to raise awareness on how to progress towards the SDGs.
Key outputs from the partnership include an RJC technical workgroup on impact 2020-2030, training webinars on best practices and research tools on driving the SDGs throughout the industry with a special emphasis on:
- SDG 5 Gender Equality
- SDG 8 Decent Work & Economic Growth
- SDG 12 Responsible Consumption & Production
- SDG 13 Climate Action
- SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals
ISEAL Alliance

Status: ISEAL Code Compliant
Joined: 2012 (ISEAL Code Compliant); 2011 (ISEAL Associate Member)
Industry: Jewellery
ISEAL is the global membership association for credible sustainability standards. Members of ISEAL are committed to Credibility Principles and follow the Codes of Good Practice in setting standards, assuring compliance and monitoring impacts. Members include Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Fair Trade International, Better Cotton Initiative, Aluminium Stewardship Initiative.
As a member we commit to ISEAL’s mission and Code of Ethics, and comply with ISEAL’s Codes of Good Practice. Membership of ISEAL helps us continue to improve our standards development and implementation, share knowledge and experience with other industries, and guarantee rigour in RJC certification programmes.
Confidence in our standards is critical to promote trust in our industry. Our Membership Alliance with ISEAL, provides this confidence and reaffirms RJC’s position as the leading standards authority in the global watch and jewellery supply chain.
The OECD is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Their goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all.
In 2013, the OECD Investment and Development Assistance Committees approved a long-term governance arrangement to enable a dynamic, demand driven implementation programme for the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (the OECD Guidance). The OECD Due Diligence Guidance provides detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral purchasing decisions and practices.