standards development and harmonisation

Code of Practices (COP) review 2024


In 2021, RJC started the process of updating our Code of Practices (COP) 2019 standard

The update addressed points of mining, precious metals, coloured gemstones, and laboratories. The initial update process included two rounds of 60-day public consultations and input from the multi-stakeholder Standards Committee to ensure that the update sets a benchmark within the jewellery industry on best practice for responsible business practices.

Due to timings of the update, the RJC has decided to roll the update of the COP into a full revision. This would fall within the ISEAL requirements to review the standards in full every 5 years. The comments and input received as part of the COP update will inform the draft standard for the review.  

This update review of the COP is being conducted as per the ISEAL Code of Good Practise for Sustainability Systems v1.0.

  • The standards review is now complete. You can find the updated 2024 COP standard here
  • Please see the Terms of Reference for this review
  • If you have any questions, email us


The COP standard is mandatory for all RJC members who handle diamonds, coloured gemstones, gold, silver and platinum group metals (PGM).

The standard and the standard setting process is publicly available to provide guidance to interested parties who are non-RJC members. 

The RJC standard is applicable to all industry members spanning the global jewellery and watch supply chain from small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to large companies. 

The scope of the standards development are directed by the RJCs Theory of Change (ToC), also known as the Roadmap to 2030. The ToC defines what RJC as an organisation aspires to achieve with its members by 2030 through the implementation of the 2019 Code of Practices.  

This review welcomes feedback on the COP standard as a whole. The draft includes, but is not limited to, updates on waste and emissions, diversity and inclusion, claims, grievance mechanisms, and a number of mining related provisions.


In line with ISEAL requirements, the review included 1 round of consultation for a period of 60 days. 

Standard update:  

Round 3 consultation – Full standard review (closed):  


Round 1 consultation (closed) 

  • Opened: Friday 8th October 2021
  • Closed: Friday 10th December 2021


Round 2 consultation (closed) 

  • Opened: Monday 28th February 2022
  • Closed: Friday 29th April 2022


RJC consults with industry experts, as well as following the ISEAL Code of Good Practise for Sustainability Systems, which outlines how to carry out a public consultation. The COP is then reviewed by the RJC team in collaboration with a multi-stakeholder RJC Standards Committee, who support in decision making based on the outcomes of the consultations. 

Yes, a full revision is being conducted in 2024. This time frame is in line with ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Sustainability Systems v1.0, which requires the COP to be reviewed every 5 years. 

As per ISEAL standard setting procedures, this review will include 1 round of consultation for a period of 60 days. A third round of consultation will take place if specific substantive, unresolved issues persist, or where insufficient feedback was received.   

For any questions, please reach out to: 

For any further questions please contact us.


Share your feedback on our standards

We’re committed to constant improvement. That’s why we’ll be opening up multiple opportunities for the public, members and stakeholders to provide feedback on our standards.